In order to become a permanent partner of this platform and professionalize our fundraising, we are required to raise $5000 from June 8-27. All proceeds will go towards our “Fill The School Meal Gap” campaign.
You can contribute to our cause by submitting a one-time or monthly donation with GlobalGiving
Remaining time to reach our goal:
One small action can change a child's life forever.
Our nutrition & WASH programme is providing highly nutritious, instant breakfasts and lunches to more than 500 ECD centres in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. All ECD facilitators go through regular nutrition and WASH training modules and we assist with vegetable gardens. We believe that nourishing these young, growing minds is one of the most urgent needs in our poor communities.

We train the ECD practitioners at the centres we support to implement the Wordworks “Every Word Counts” early literacy and the LEGO Play Box programme and supply them with all the necessary resources. Books are supplied in English and all African languages. We believe that READERS are LEADERS.

The Early Childhood Development Centres we support receive wooden playgrounds, beanbags and boxes with LEGO bricks to ensure the children get an opportunity to play, explore, balance and to grow their muscles.